Are you trying to make your app a hit on Google Play?
The only way to make your app a hit on Google play is to be smart about marketing. Make sure you have the right keywords and descriptions so that when people search for apps, they find yours. Make it easy for them to share your app with their friends by giving them access to social media icons in the menu bar. And if you want more downloads, consider advertising on Facebook or Twitter. This blog will tell you all of this and more!
Watch this video for UI UX mobile app design trends
The goal of every business is to make money. But in order to do so, you have to get your product in front of people. Make no mistake about it, if nobody sees your app, then there are zero possibilities for it being a hit or even existing at all.
Here are 10 tips to make your app a hit on Google Play
#1 Make Your App Free
This might sound like a bad idea, but it’s actually not. If the app is completely free to download and use (with in-app purchases as an option), then you will gain a lot of users very quickly because people love free stuff.
Look at Instagram for example. They were acquired by Facebook for a billion dollars after they had only 13 employees and a mere 30 million users! They were valued that high because those users each spent on average over $60 per year. People will spend money if your app offers them enough value.
#2 Make Sure It’s In A Niche
If you make an app that has the potential of being downloaded by everyone, then you’ve just lost out on an entire market. Make sure that your app caters to a very specific group of people. Make it extremely niche-oriented if needed, but try not to exclude anyone. Make your target audience as focused as possible, and then focus on reaching them. It will be impossible to make your app a hit on Google Play of your website doesn;t have a solid target audience defined.
Also, make sure that there are no other apps that can do the same as your app does. Make sure that it’s unique and different from anything else out there.
#3 Make Sure It Contains Lots Of Useful Features
If you have a very limited audience, then you must make up for it by offering many useful features in your app. Make people want to use your product so badly, that they would even be willing to pay for it. Make sure that your app is a one-stop shop for everything that the people you want as your target audience could ever need. Make stuff that can’t possibly be available anywhere else besides inside your app.
#4 Make Sure It’s Easily Accessible And Downloadable
None of your hard work will go to waste if people can’t download and use it. Make sure that you make the app available in as many places as possible. Make it downloadable on desktops, tablets, televisions, cars, appliances… Make it accessible everywhere. Make Google Play your primary distribution platform — I’m saying this because sometimes Apple or Microsoft can be picky when it comes to accepting new apps in their app stores. Make sure that you don’t make the same mistake.
#5 Make Sure It Has A Hook
You need to focus on making sure that your app has a hook, which is basically something that will make people talk about it. Make the app useful, but also make it unique and different from anything else out there. Make people tell their friends about it because there’s nothing like it out there, or at least nothing comes close to being as good as your app. Make buzz for your app so that people start talking about it and just can’t resist not downloading it when they have a chance.
#6 Make Sure It’s Updated On A Constant Basis
If you want your app to stay on top, then you need to keep it updated with new features, bug fixes, etc. Make sure that the experience is always fresh for your users, and that they never get bored with your app. Make it exciting and fun to use at all times! Make people ask for more, and make sure you deliver!
#7 Make Sure It’s Branded Properly
Your brand is very important because people will trust your product if it has a certain image associated with it. Make sure that your app matches the image that you want to make it have. Make people see your brand everywhere, and make sure they will recognize it by its logo (or whatever else). Make them remember you, and make them like what they see! If you need inspiration, check out this list of 20 app UI design ideas.
#8 Make Sure It Can Be Monetized
Monetization is essential if you want to make money with your app. Make sure that there’s a way to monetize it, and try to maximize the profit you can get from every user. Make people want to give you money, or incentivize them in some other ways. Either way, make sure that the plan is solid!
#9 Make Sure It Has A Flow
Make sure that the user is not lost when using your app. Make sure that you design it in such a way that even if your following is very small, they won’t get lost in the middle of their experience with it. Make people understand how to use it at all times, and always keep an eye out for bad reviews because sometimes people leave them just because they don’t understand how to use your app.
#10 Make Sure It’s Well-Designed
Last, but not least: make sure that your app is well designed. Make people like the interface and experience. Make them understand it and not get lost in there with no idea what to do next! Make it intuitive and easy to use, make it something that people will enjoy using on a daily basis — not something they’ll try once and forget about the day after! Make your app a hit on Google Play by ensuring that everything is good to go!
That’s How You Make Your App A Hit On Google Play
That’s pretty much all there is to know about how you can make successful apps. Make sure that you keep these 10 tips in mind, follow them and you’ll have a great chance to make your app a hit on Google Play. Make it something unique and different from anything else, make people talk about it by having a hook, keep it fun and exciting to use, make the brand stand out through consistent updates and proper branding, monetize with one or more ways to make money with your app, keep the flow up and make sure that it’s well designed.
Make these 10 points a reality, and you’ll have a great chance at becoming one of the leading mobile app developers out there!
For more information and to get started working on a mobile app together, send us your app ideas and schedule a time to chat with us here.